Company details

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Company details

Below are the company's details. If you need to obtain certificates of state registration, taxpayer identification number and other documents, contact the company's accounting department.

Full name: Limited liability company «OCB-43»
Abbreviated name: ООО «OCB-43»
Payee TIN(INN)/Payee KPP: 4312146651/431201001
ОГРН: 1124312001000
Legal address: 1A, Peter Rodygin St., Polom Village, Kirovo-Chepetsk District, Kirov Region, 613010, Russia
Office address: Office 29, Bldg. 1, Pristanskaya St., Kirov, 610020, Russia
Phone, fax: +7 (8332) 227-257
Bank details: BIC 043304728
P/s No.40702810100540245875 at Norvik Bank in Kirov,
Kor/account 30101810300000000728