About the company

We can build your dream house, just leave your contact and we will connect with you!
About company

About the companies «Stroitelnoye upravleniye-43» and «OCB-43»

The company, Stroitelnoye Upravleniye-43, is engaged in country house construction, woodworking, and lumber manufacturing. For ten years now, we have been carrying out logging, sawmilling, drying, and also glued beam production and wooden house construction.

We are capable of building up to three sets per month. Aside from that, customers are satisfied with our reasonable price. The good thing about our service is that we have our own full production cycle - from logging to building houses. With this, it is possible for us to carry out quality and reliable suburban housing construction.

The company "OCB-43" is a new yet fast-growing organization, leading its activities in the woodhouse construction industry.

We purchased new equipment from TERMIT to launch the production line for rounded logs. Now that the line is working, we are pleased to offer you the manufacture and delivery of rounded logs of your desired size. This additional strand adds up to our other exclusive projects - wooden house, gazebo, and bathhouse constructions.

The company’s production site is located in the Kirov region. We produce log houses from winter roll wood grown in an ecologically clean forest. The advantage of rolls during this period is the lack of juice movement in the winter. Such building material has less moisture. This wood is easier to process, dries faster, practically does not dry out, does not warp and does not decay.

The rounded logs we produced are delivered to the customer's address at a specified time. That does not just end there, because we also build buildings from it for various purposes.

All of our projects were successful. Thanks to the commendable professionalism, energy, and cooperation of our employees and their ability to provide clients with the most convenient and beneficial conditions.

To maintain a good dealer-customer relationship, our company practices a personal approach. We are ready to provide unique orders and a full list of services.

The cost is calculated separately. You can contact us at any time convenient for you and get expert advice or place an order.

The company, OCB-43, caters and pays attention to the needs, interests, and desires of the customers.

We would be happy to answer your questions - just contact us!

Why we are

We build houses all over Russia
100 years - average lifespan

Our achievements

Constructed buildings
Developed projects
Years of excellent work
Regions of construction

We are proud of our work.

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